Museum Exploration | 1st Grade | 10:15am-12:15pm | January 18

Saturday January 18

Other dates...

10:15 AM  –  12:15 PM

Join us as we embark on an exciting exploration of the Museum from top to bottom. Participants will go on a Museum-wide scavenger hunt, visit our Paleontology Lab, meet our Museum insects, and engage in a variety of hands-on activities. This adventure offers a unique and interactive way to experience many of the things that the Museum has to offer!


Please note: Online registration closes one week before the event. Pre-registration is required for these drop-off classes. You’ll receive an email with check-in location and further information 3-5 days prior to session.

Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel your registration, email with your child’s name and the confirmation/order number, no later than two weeks prior to the program start date/time. If we can fill your spot, you’ll receive a 90% refund. If we are unable to fill your spot, you’ll receive a 75% refund.
